Over the summer LCS developed, produced and shot 8 films for the Oberbergkliniken, portraying the work of over 70 protagonists. The shoot lasted 20 days and the production required traveling to the Oberberg clinics all around Germany repeatedly. Production support came from Always Everything and CFS Krug and the fotos were skillfully taken by Wolfgang Stahr. WPK Strategy and Seven Squared made this incredible journey possible. Thanks to the whole crew and all the fabulous collaborators in the clinics. The films are currently being finalised and will be online shortly. Stay tuned.
In September LCS joined Loerke PR at the Werner Rennen in Hartenholm to videoportrait their involvment at the festival and in June LCS was asked to make a film about the different social engagements an other Loerke PR client, Meridian, is having.
In August LCS helped dgroup/ Accenture transition and reposition, by making a video that emotionally summed up the operational changes that were implemented since becoming part of Accenture. Prior to that, in June, LCS had made a purpose video/ imagefilm for dgroup/ Accenture, focusing on the special features of the unique dgroup mentality and identity.